“We all feel like you’ve had a massive impact on our perspectives on life and ourselves, and we owe you a lot for that. You have become a confidante, guide and inspiration to each of us.”
I am an experienced expedition leader and cultural explorer. Among many immersive expeditions and experiences, I spent 5 months walking from Mexico to Canada, and years researching and living with tribes in areas such as Northern Pakistan and the Afar region of Ethiopia.
For the last 8 years, I have worked to empower young people to step into adulthood by helping them to create and embark on their own meaningful journeys. I use practical leadership skills, expedition training and 1-2-1 mentoring, to resource them to access the wilder places and dive more deeply into rich cultural exchanges.
“Israh Goodall holds every leadership skill one could possibly have, but what differentiates her from others is the fact that her enthusiastic personality brightens up your day, no matter whether you’re so sick you feel you’re about to die, or whether you just cut your finger in half. ”
Armenia, 2016
Ladakh, 2017

An 11 month Program with 12 young people, culminating in a three week expedition to Armenia.
We wove through the Gegama mountains, broke bread with Yazidi families, worked on a grass roots permaculture farm and sat in council with Armenian teenagers.
Expedition organised with Wilderness Expertise.
An 11 month program with 12 young people, culminating in a month long expedition to Ladakh.
We reached heights of 5200 meters, meditated with monks at dawn, partook in a Buddhist ceremony carrying 700 year old texts through the mountains, greeted the Dalai Lama, and lived and worked with a community in the remote Ligtse Village.
Expedition organised with Wilderness Expertise.
Ethiopia, 2014
GHANA, 2015

A 3 week expedition to Ghana with 14 young people.
Trekking through thick forest, escaping flash floods and enjoying dancing competitions by open fires in remote villages. An expedition for a Nigerian international school doing silver Duke of Edinburgh award.
Expedition led for Wilderness Expertise

A 3 week expedition to Ethiopia with 6 young people.
By horseback we rode into the Bale mountains, lived in homestays, partook in a traditional halal killing and cooked for the whole community. During the project we built and taught in a local school and experienced the local mosque by attending Friday prayers.
Expedition led for World Challenge.
“You are literally the most inspiring person I have ever met... someone I can relate to as well as admire. You have touched on areas of my life that I’ve never properly spoken about or addressed. It has made me rethink so many things which I never thought could change.”